NCI-SW Partner Activities: The HREM Winter School at the Eyring Materials Center


The Eyring Materials center is one of six collaborative research facilities within NCI-Southwest. The purpose of the High-Resolution Electron Microscopy Winter School is to introduce the theory and practice of high resolution electron microscopy to scientists currently using transmission electron microscopes for materials science studies. People taking the course should have some familiarity with basic crystallography, diffraction contrast, and routine microscope operation.


The Winter School course features extended practical sessions using a variety of FEI, JEOL and Nion transmission electron microscopes, where specific operating techniques will be taught.


There will be sessions on image processing and simulations using advanced digital image processing programs. Lectures and laboratory demonstrations will be given by ASU faculty and EMC/CHREM staff, as well as invited experts.


The school runs from January 7-11, 2019 and more information can be found here.


Electron Microscope and images courtesy of the Eyring Materials Center