Research Experiences

NNCI Research Experiences for Undergraduates

The NCI-Southwest offers multi-week summer research programs at Arizona State University (ASU) and Northern Arizona University (NAU) for undergraduates (REU). Participants selected for these programs gain new skills and valuable experiences working with nationally recognized scholars in micro- and nanotechnology research and leaders in science education. Program highlights from previous summers are described below.

Application procedures for the 2023 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program are now available.

Information for the 2024 Research Experiences for Undergraduates program can be found here.

2024 NanoSIMST Virtual Program for Middle School Educators

NCI-SW is partnering with NNCI and Stanford University to offer middle school educators a summer virtual professional development opportunity, NanoSIMST. Selected teachers in this unique learning experience will be introduced to content-relevant cutting-edge technology and nanoscience concepts that will engage students with real-world problems. Apply to join us this summer as a community of teachers from across the country to learn and play with nanotechnology while getting paid! This workshop is a wonderful opportunity to delve into the nanoworld as a learner and discover resources about high-demand STEM careers for your students. Teacher kits are provided to engage in hands-on activities during the workshop that can be implemented directly in your classroom. In addition, we host talks and demonstrations from staff scientists and offer the opportunity to use a scanning electron microscope (SEM) remotely. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until April 26, 2024.  The virtual option is fully remote from July 15-19, 2024, 9 am – 2 pm PST / 10 am – 3 pm MST / 12 pm – 5 pm EST. Information and applications for the 2024 NanoSIMST Virtual Program in partnership with Stanford University can be found here.

Historical information about the Research Experiences Programs for Undergraduates and Teachers in previous years can be found here.

View Historical Research Experiences