Category: Webinar Archive

All-Epitaxial Mid-IR Plasmonic Optoelectronics

Dr. Dan Wasserman, University of Texas Austin February 25, 2021 The mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral range (loosely defined as the wavelengths between 3-30µm) has become a burgeoning and dynamic field of research for a variety of technologically vital applications. Nonetheless, the development of the mid-IR optical infrastructure still trails behind that of the shorter, more mature, […]

Interfacing Biomarkers and Materials Science

Dr. Loreen Stromberg, Los Alamos National Laboratory February 11, 2021 Materials play a critical role in the development of surfaces for detection of biological components. In order to achieve the requisite sensitivity and specificity in a target matrix, the interface between surfaces and biomarkers needs to strike a balance with the appropriate degree of biomimicry, […]

Chemical and Enzymatic Strategies for Complex Molecule Synthesis

Dr. Kyle Biegasiewicz, Arizona State University March 18, 2021 The chemical synthesis of structurally and stereochemically complex molecules is a focal point of the pharmaceutical, agriculture and materials industries. In an effort to optimize the desired parameters affiliated with their synthesis (step, atom, redox economies) we rely heavily upon the discovery of catalysts that can […]

Mapping the Human Brain with High Spatiotemporal Resolution

Dr. Shadi Dayeh, University of California, San Diego February 4, 2021 Electrophysiological recordings are the gold standard for interrogating the nervous system for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Such recordings with microelectrode arrays enable broadband and high spatiotemporal resolution but are conventionally limited to a small cortical coverage. However, large cortical coverage together with the high […]

¡MIRA! Colloquia Series

To access an abstract for a prior ¡MIRA! Colloquium presentation and watch it on YouTube, please click on a title below:   New Imaging Techniques to Explore Energy and Charge Carrier Transport in Nanoparticles and Nanoclusters Dr. Alan Van Orden, Colorado State University(March 25, 2021)   Chemical and Enzymatic Strategies for Complex Molecule Synthesis Dr. […]